"It", my love and need to create, has always been there. i cannot think of a single moment in my life where i did not have Some Means of expressing myself thru art; theater, music, writing, digital or traditional drawings.

i have Always been creating.

naturally, when i saw graffiti for the first time, i Knew i wanted to Somehow do that... but due to my many disabilities, i quickly learned the traditional type of graffiti art would not be for me. it wouldn't be until i reached the age of 21 that i finally found out about "slaps"; a type of graffiti done on stickers (getting the name from "slapping" them up places), usually done with USPS labels as they r free, that r very popular among the rave, punk, metal, and alt scenes as a whole.

from there, i have not stopped drawing on these little labels and trying to come up with simple yet clever little things to mass produce and put up and hand out everywhere to bring even the smallest of smiles to at least One other beings face.

although the word "mass produced" is usually used in negative context now-a-days, all slaps i make and sell here r completely hand done and has just as much time and effort put into it as any of my other works; each mass produced slap of mine taking ~1 hour and 30 mins each!


much like with artwork, my curiosity and love of scented things has always been around, and i have always loved mixing x and y to see what z would be, or if z will be exactly what i think it would be; comes from the engineer in me i suppose.

naturally, it was only a matter of time before i went from testing around with candles to making cosmetics, as fragrance and essential oils r also used in those, the actual processes r just a step up from candle making, AND i use cosmetics just as often as candles and other things like them.

my main goals from my cosmetics r simple; provide products that actually do their jobs as advertised, r made with sensitive skin in mind, and are at a reasonable price.

the sheer amount of cosmetics that have caused me to break out - or have even permanently damaged my body - is far too high for my comfort; and this was the tipping point for me to really start looking into making my own cosmetics; so that i can finally use products again without worrying what the hell is in it and if it will cause me to break out - or even gain permanent damage.


for next 2-4 yrs i plan to simply just slowly build up my inventory and stock, host booths at some local and out of state events (furry cons, ren fairs, comic cons, etc!), and slowly save up money on the side for my more ambitious and creative ideas; t-shirt and jacket production, OOAK plushies, and even, eventually, fursuits and animatronics!

i hope to eventually offer fursuits, puppets, and things of that nature in the far future once i have the funds to spend for the trial and error that will bring, but for now, cosmetics and original pieces of art are my jam!



i work in-order, one by one, on each order to ensure each and every package is not only put together properly, but to ensure that the package gets to u as fast as it possibly can and within the time frames given to u when ordering and after purchase!

always give at least 1 week for prep of ur order, as things here Are Actually made by hand and put together with care!


as an autistic, intersex, queer, and therian individual, i pride myself on making my spaces open to all and enforce zero tolerance to judgement or harassment of any kind to anyone.

i love communicating with and resonating with customers on a one on one level, understanding what exactly it is u would like from my store and actually making a connection. i hope to be some ppls "go to" for certain cosmetic and art needs, and treat every customer with the same level of kindness, respect, and hospitality.

i expect basic level respect from all of my customers, as i will be showing u the very same! <3


unlike many big companies and even some small businesses, i am ALL about transparency with my products, and letting u, the customer, know exactly What is in your product and How that product is made.

i Always ensure ingredients r clear and visible in a easy to read font type, size, and color to ensure u know Exactly what u r using!


i pride myself on Always trying to push the boundaries i have set for myself and am always trying to improve my skills as not just a customer service and commission worker, but as an artist, and am always doing and trying new things to expand my skills and knowledge.